Non Executive Director. Social Enterprise Entrepreneur. 21 Years in Business and Sustainable Design.


Two decades as a social entrepreneur, and overcoming personal adversity, hasn't taught me everything.
I don't have ALL the answers but I have quite a few, and I'll have your back.
I know how to set the scene for conversation and connection.
And the questions to ask to support you... Let's take a walk and chat?


Informed and widely experienced. Holding space as a sounding board. Someone to talk to and walk with you in business, career, community. Helping you take the time out to step back, take a birds eye view, and then drill down to the detail. Making the complex simpler... focused... actionable.
Two decades as an multi-award winning strategy/brand/built environment creative, social enterprise founder, manager & CEO
Graduate Australian Institute of Company Directors (NED, board/committee member & adviser)
Advocate - consumer (esp. health), equity & diversity, circular economy and sustainability
Nature lover, past record setting ultra trail runner, past Australian representative triathlete, past Shinbudo brown belt & trainer
Motivated, compassionate & grounded attitude shaped by ongoing serious health & personal adversity survival story
Vanessa's purpose is to bring her experience into service of others (you).